GLMS adds three new associate member organisations

The Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS) has added three new member organisations to its ranks.

CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, the Hungarian Supervisory Authority for Regulatory Affairs (SARA) and the Greek National Platform have been named its newest associate members.

According to GLMS statutes, associate membership is open to “any organisation interested in safeguarding the integrity of their operations and sports in general.”

In this regard, all three organisations qualify for associate member status, and can now benefit from all that entails. This includes the secure exchange of information and enhanced coordination, designed to help organisations combat corruption and manipulation.

“CSCF has been working with GLMS intensively within projects and related activities, and has appreciated the strong relationship we have built over the years,” said Dr Norbert Rubicsek, CSCF Director and a former Hungarian Lieutenant Colonel and Intelligence Officer at Europol.

He added: “Becoming an associate member can further strengthen our collaboration, in education and regulatory issues as well as building a stronger inter-stakeholder relationship, combining efforts and encouraging consistency across domains.”

SARA, meanwhile, is the first regulatory body to become an associate member. Dr Marcell Biró, SARA President, commented: “We are glad that the Global Lottery Monitoring System has supported our authority’s application to become an associate member.

“This cooperation will contribute to our efforts as a regulatory authority to fight match-fixing via gaining information on the risks endangering the integrity of sports and on effective prevention tools.”

Lastly, George Mavrotas, Greek Secretary General of Sport at the Ministry of Culture and Sport, commented on the country’s National Platform becoming a GLMS associate member.

He remarked: “It is essential to join forces and exploit synergies in order to protect sport from the corrosive phenomena that devalue it.”

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