Goodbye Letter to Addiction Template Download Printable PDF

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Declare your decision to end the addiction and your commitment to a healthier life through treatment and support. These dedicated caregivers will take the time to get to know you as a unique individual. Additionally, they will encourage you to play an active role in all aspects of your treatment. In the next section, you will explain all your concerns. Why are you angry or hate alcohol or drugs now? Did it manipulate you or make you scared to speak up with yourself?

The Short Letter That Can Change Your Entire Life

  • When I first met you, I wasn’t sure how I felt.
  • It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
  • Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together.
  • Bad decisions are far and few and if I do happen to make one it’s comforting to know you had nothing to do with it.

You also helped me through some rough periods in my life too. You were there when my parents died and helped me through the grief. When I threw out my back, you comforted me for weeks and eased the pain. Design for Recovery provides structured sober living in Los Angeles, California. If I returned to you, I know I’d be hooked again. But every day I will keep doing what I have to do to keep my obsession at bay — counseling, 12-step meetings, etc — so that I never have to see you again.

Approaches for Reclaiming Your Personal and Professional Life with a Letter Like No Other

I mastered your ways, the spell you cast on others and how you grip down on people with your deceitful tricks. Because of this mastery, I’m now able to help others break loose from your chains goodbye letter to alcohol too. All addictions look somewhat different, but they all end up giving you the same result. Some addicts don’t ever want to get clean. Some do; but don’t know how to go about it.

Step Five: Commitment to Change for the Better

But with help from a lot of caring people, I’m taking control of my life again. As much as it hurts to walk away from you, I’ll always try to remember the good times of my life and put the bad times behind me. So it’s time I let you know that I met someone else and she promised to take care of me and nurture me back to health. She is filled with joy and gratitude and takes things one day at a time. She doesn’t judge me, get jealous, or fill my head with empty promises.

  • For years now, you’ve been a constant presence in my life.
  • I get to enjoy my life without the desire to be inebriated, checked out or escaping with you.
  • They say that when we are sitting in meetings (12-step programs), you are outside in the parking lot doing push ups.
  • But as I bear witness to you ripping through the lives of my friends, my family members, and my patients, I find it nearly impossible to surrender again.
  • I mean, damn, I can barely remember all those late night documentaries we watched on Netflix.
  • Don’t forget – you probably also had a fun time with other adults during this addiction.

Breaking Up with Addiction: Writing a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

You had a way about you that made drinking seem like some kind of luxurious necessity. You preyed on my curiosity and then you sunk your teeth in with the hook that “all the cool kids” hang out with you so maybe I should too. If you are ready, reach out to Icarus and get help to experience that for yourself. You just have to put in the work and love yourself. But it isn’t anymore, and it does not have to be for you either. Here’s my example, and I hope it helps you move on too.

goodbye letter to alcohol template

What does it mean to say goodbye to addiction?

goodbye letter to alcohol template

Hannah Rose, LCPC, is a therapist, writer, public speaker, and lover of all things caffeinated. I am not going to stop stepping into the light. I am not going to stop spreading a message of hope. You don’t stop even when we are lying broken on the floor, crying and begging for mercy. You don’t stop when we are shaking, physically withdrawing from your chemicals. You don’t stop when we try to take our own lives, because it seemed that suicide was the only solution to this never-ending insanity.

goodbye letter to alcohol template

goodbye letter to alcohol template

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